Education 2500
All students applying to the Faculty of Education are required to take Education 2500. Students are placed in a classroom setting they are required to observe and assist the classroom teacher as directed. Before applying to the University I had been and Educational Assistant with the Livingstone Range School Division for six years. I had the opportunity to have this class waived, however I was still responsible to have the correct amount of Education classes to graduate.
I felt my Education Journey would be served better by taking an extra class at the 4000 (fourth year) level, than sit in a classroom doing what I had done for six years.
The Faculty of Education agreed and waived my ED2500. Below you will find letters of recommendation from a classroom teacher I worked with, The Learning Support Teacher, my immediate supervisor, as well as the principal of my school.
Classroom Teacher
I felt my Education Journey would be served better by taking an extra class at the 4000 (fourth year) level, than sit in a classroom doing what I had done for six years.
The Faculty of Education agreed and waived my ED2500. Below you will find letters of recommendation from a classroom teacher I worked with, The Learning Support Teacher, my immediate supervisor, as well as the principal of my school.
Classroom Teacher
"I believe what I admire most about Michelle is her philosophy on education: Michelle is a respecter of persons."
Learning Support Teacher
"I have no hesitation in recommending Michelle Watt for any position in a school setting."
"She is compassionate and strongly believes she can make a difference in her students' lives."