PS I: Stavely Elementary
I had a unique opportunity at Stavely Elementary, I taught: kindergarten, grade one, grade two, grade five and grade six. This is an experience that I am grateful for, due to the age range of students and subjects taught.
I taught kindergarten math, grade two science to a grade one and two split class, grade five art and grade five, six ELA and grade six physical education to a grade five and six split class. I was fortunate to have three different Teacher Mentors, each offering me a different teaching style and insight.
The majority of my teaching was in subject area outside of my comfort zone, I am a Humanities Major and I spent most of my practicum teaching math, science and art.
I taught kindergarten math, grade two science to a grade one and two split class, grade five art and grade five, six ELA and grade six physical education to a grade five and six split class. I was fortunate to have three different Teacher Mentors, each offering me a different teaching style and insight.
The majority of my teaching was in subject area outside of my comfort zone, I am a Humanities Major and I spent most of my practicum teaching math, science and art.
PSI Summative Assessment
"We found that Michelle was open to constructive criticism and did work on areas that needed improvement."