"Representing is an integral part of contemporary life. This skill allows students to understand the ways in which images and language may be used to convey ideas, values and beliefs. Representing enables students to communicate information and ideas through a variety of media, such as video presentations, posters, diagrams, charts, symbols, visual art, drama, mime and models. Representing may be envisioned as the expressive counter part of viewing. Visual representation enables students to communicate their ideas through a variety of text forms, including posters, diagrams, photographs, collages, video presentations, visual art, tableaux and mime. Representing, however, extends beyond the visual. For example, representations may have an oral component. A speaker's tone of voice can convey, or represent, his or her feelings and attitudes. Music and sound effects that are selected to accompany a dramatic monologue, a dialogue or a readers' theatre presentation may be representational in that they set a mood and covey an atmoshphere. Representing is also manifested in pring. Tables and figures that accompany informative texts amy suggest spatial relationships, time sequences, and relationships between and among concepts and ideas. posters and other examples of promotional print texts typically employ design principles, such as alignment and repetition, to represent relationships and to create emphases." Alberta Program of Studies
Educators: Xtranormal - this site allows students to create animated videos. Students generate text that is then translated into a 3D animated
FlipSnack - this site allows students to turn texts and pictures into digital flipbooks
Google Lit Trips - this interactive website provides free downloadable files that mark the journey of characters from famous litrature.
At each location along the journey there are placemarkers with pop-up windows containing a variety of resources
including relevant media, thought provoking discussion starters, and links to supplementary information about "real
world" references made in that particular portion of the story. This site is designed to stimulate higher level thinking
skills and connect the story's themes and messages to the issues of the real world in which students live.
MakeBeliefsComics - this site allows students to creat comic strips. This site will help the ELL learner as comics can be created in
multiple languages
Parents: Encourage your children to put plays on with their siblings and friends. My son and his friends spend hours making movies with
free apps that they have downloaded to their Ipods/Iphones.
Students: Invite your friends to join you in making a movie with your phone (make sure you have your parent's permission first)
"Representing is an integral part of contemporary life. This skill allows students to understand the ways in which images and language may be used to convey ideas, values and beliefs. Representing enables students to communicate information and ideas through a variety of media, such as video presentations, posters, diagrams, charts, symbols, visual art, drama, mime and models. Representing may be envisioned as the expressive counter part of viewing. Visual representation enables students to communicate their ideas through a variety of text forms, including posters, diagrams, photographs, collages, video presentations, visual art, tableaux and mime. Representing, however, extends beyond the visual. For example, representations may have an oral component. A speaker's tone of voice can convey, or represent, his or her feelings and attitudes. Music and sound effects that are selected to accompany a dramatic monologue, a dialogue or a readers' theatre presentation may be representational in that they set a mood and covey an atmoshphere. Representing is also manifested in pring. Tables and figures that accompany informative texts amy suggest spatial relationships, time sequences, and relationships between and among concepts and ideas. posters and other examples of promotional print texts typically employ design principles, such as alignment and repetition, to represent relationships and to create emphases." Alberta Program of Studies
Educators: Xtranormal - this site allows students to create animated videos. Students generate text that is then translated into a 3D animated
FlipSnack - this site allows students to turn texts and pictures into digital flipbooks
Google Lit Trips - this interactive website provides free downloadable files that mark the journey of characters from famous litrature.
At each location along the journey there are placemarkers with pop-up windows containing a variety of resources
including relevant media, thought provoking discussion starters, and links to supplementary information about "real
world" references made in that particular portion of the story. This site is designed to stimulate higher level thinking
skills and connect the story's themes and messages to the issues of the real world in which students live.
MakeBeliefsComics - this site allows students to creat comic strips. This site will help the ELL learner as comics can be created in
multiple languages
Parents: Encourage your children to put plays on with their siblings and friends. My son and his friends spend hours making movies with
free apps that they have downloaded to their Ipods/Iphones.
Students: Invite your friends to join you in making a movie with your phone (make sure you have your parent's permission first)